Friday, July 22, 2016

Kennebunk, ME

Kennebunk is located on the southwesterly coast of Maine just 90 miles north of Boston and 25 miles south of Portland and was originally an agricultural and shipbuilding settlement.

The name Kennebunk means "long cut bank," probably in reference to Great Hill at the mouth of the Mousam River, which would have been an important landmark to native Americans coming along the coast in their ocean-going canoes.

The first Europeans to visit the shores of southern Maine probably were sixteenth-century fishermen. Although it is well known that these fishing parties put ashore along the coast of Maine, whether any landed on Kennebunk's beaches is not part of the present historical record. At that time the native population followed a pattern of seasonal migration, living near the coast during the warmer months of the year, moving inland during the colder months. The presence of native Americans in Kennebunk was even then an ancient tradition. Because of recent archaeological excavations it is known that 11,000 years ago PaleoIndian hunters traveled seasonally to the Kennebunk Plains from throughout the Northeast to trap and kill bison and caribou.

We spent a day driving the coast loop around Kennebunk / Kennebunkport and then walking downtown - looking for shopping and food!!

This one was for sale.

We were driving along the shore loop and pulled over to see what this plaque was for

Home of Bush 41.

At the plaque, looking to the right.  Bush 41's view.

The harbor. 

Walking in to town for the parking lot.

We were told this was the best place in town for lobster.

They were right!!
And what is a stroll through town without dessert?

A great sign.  Bet it works.

A little ship in the harbor.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Eatery: Jordon Pond House, Acadia National Park, ME

Jordan Pond House has been serving popovers and tea since the 1890s when Nellie McIntire began the tradition. The original building burned down in 1979.  Upon completion of the current building in 1982, tea on the lawn has been an uninterrupted summer tradition.

Afternoon tea with popovers remains a popular (you had best make a reservation).  The traditional favorites of lobster stew, house made ice cream, and freshly squeezed lemonade were also magnificent.

Always busy at lunch

YUM! Popovers!
Lobster Stew


Acadia National Park, ME

Though they came to the island in search of social and recreational activities, the affluent of the turn of the century had much to do with preserving the landscape we know today. George B. Dorr, a tireless spokesman for conservation, came from this social strata. He devoted 43 years of his life, energy, and family fortune to preserving the Acadian landscape.

In 1901, disturbed by the growing development of the Bar Harbor area and the dangers he foresaw in the newly invented gasoline-powered portable sawmill, Dorr and others established the Hancock County Trustees of Public Reservations. The corporation, whose sole purpose was to preserve land for the perpetual use of the public, acquired 6,000 acres by 1913. Dorr offered the land to the federal government, and in 1916 President Wilson announced the creation of Sieur de Monts National Monument. Dorr continued to acquire property and renewed his efforts to obtain full national park status for his beloved preserve. In 1919, President Wilson signed the act establishing Lafayette National Park. Dorr, whose labors constituted "the greatest of one-man shows in the history of land conservation," became the first park superintendent. In 1929, the name changed to Acadia National Park.

Today the park protects more than 47,000 acres, and the simple pleasures of "ocean, forests, lakes, and mountains" that have been sought and found by millions for over a century and a quarter.

We only had a couple days to enjoy the park; we'll have to go back for a couple weeks to really see and enjoy all that the park has to offer.

We only had a couple days to enjoy the park; we'll have to go back for a couple weeks to really see and enjoy all that the park has to offer.

We stayed at Narrows II RV Park which was less than a minute from the entrance to the park. 

This is the bridge over to Mount Desert Island.

Some Views while Driving the Park Loop Road

Cadillac Mountain

At 1530 feet, Cadillac Mountain is the highest point along the North Atlantic seaboard and, from early October thru early March, is the first place to view sunrise in the US.  (Note that there are only about 100 parking spaces at the summit and we were told that people start arriving at the summit parking area as early as 3:00 AM.)

There are over 20 mountains on Mount Desert Island that were formed millions of years ago by tectonic and volcanic forces.  Glaciers then sheared off the tops - if you look around while at the summit you can see the glacial scars on the flats.  

Thunder Hole

When the right size wave rolls into the naturally formed inlet, a deep thunderous sound emanates. The cause is a small cavern formed low, just beneath the surface of the water. When the wave pulls back just before lunging forward, it dips the water just below the ceiling of the cavern allowing air to enter. When the wave arrives full force, it collides with the air, forcing it out, resulting in a sound like distant thunder. Water may splash into the air as high as 40 feet with a roar! 

Steep and slippery walk down; hold tight to the railing.
Thunder Hole

There is so much more to see....

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge - Wells, ME

Rachel Carson was a world-renowned marine biologist, author and environmentalist who served as an aquatic biologist and editor-in-chief for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. She has been credited with launching the contemporary environmental movement and awakening the concern of Americans for the environment. See for more on her life.

The Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge in Wells, ME,  was established in 1966 in cooperation with the State of Maine to protect valuable salt marshes and estuaries for migratory birds. Located along 50 miles of coastline in York and Cumberland counties, the refuge consists of eleven divisions between Kittery and Cape Elizabeth. It will contain approximately 14,600 acres when land acquisition is complete. The proximity of the refuge to the coast and its location between the eastern deciduous forest and the boreal forest creates a composition of plants and animals not found elsewhere in Maine. Major habitat types present on the refuge include forested upland, barrier beach/dune, coastal meadows, tidal salt marsh, and the distinctive rocky coast.

The 1 mile walk meanders through the five habitat types with 11 trail markers indicating best places to view important environmental characteristics.

[ 1 ] The Edge of the Marsh

Salt marshes are fragile yet dynamic ecosystems.  Undisturbed coastal wetlands that have natural vegetation along their edges produce dense meadows of grasses and other plants that support abundant wildlife.

[ 2 ]The Edge of the Sea

This view shows all of the parts of this coastal Maine salt marsh.  From critical edge through creeks, salt pannes, marsh grass, beach and ocean, it is a system of soils, water, plants and wildlife that functions as a whole forming a unique and fragile community.

[ 3 ] Run-off

This intermittent stream is one of the obvious links between the forested upland and the salt marsh.  Clean water from the woodland seeps into the ground and then emerges in the stream.  Fresh water flows into the marsh, mixes nutrients with seawater and helps keep the marsh productive.

[ 4 ] The Critical Edge

Critical Edge is the portion of upland that runs along the border of the marsh.  This transition zone is part of the salt marsh system in that it sends fresh water into the marsh, provides food, cover, breeding habitat and travel corridors for wildlife that live in the coastal zone, and protects the marsh from the adverse impacts of human activities.

[ 5 ] Dedication Site

[ 6 ] Joining Rivers

Branch Brook merges with the Merriland River, creating the Little River, which flows to the ocean and reverses on incoming tides.  The tranquil nutrient-rich waters of the tidal rivers and marshes are nurseries for many of our shellfish and finfish.  Mussels, soft-shelled clams, flounder, bluefish and striped bass all depend on this habitat during part of their life cycle.  Abundant insects, worms, clams and fish in the marsh in turn attract flocks of feeding waterfowl, shorebirds, and wading birds.

 (I had help getting the following 4 photos... my Blackberry camera is good but not this good.)


Egret (immature)

Lesser Yellow Leg

White Ibis

[ 7 ] Carbon Sequestration

Two grasses are responsible for both building a coastal salt marsh and making it one of the most productive ecosystems in the world.  Smooth cordgrass (Apartina alterniflora), a tall plant with stiff pointed leaves grows along the creek banks and low marsh.  It has special adaptations to get oxygen to its roots when flooded during high tide.  The shorter saltmeadow cordgrass or salt hay (Spartina patens) generally grows above mean high tide and forms broad "cowlicked" meadows of high marsh.  These grasses can produce up to ten tons of plant matter per acre per year - as much as a prime Midwestern corn field.  When these grasses convert sunlight and carbon dioxide into plant material, they lock up (sequester) that carbon dioxide so it is unable to contribute to greenhouse gasses that drive accelerated climate change.

[ 8 ] Salt Pannes

These small ponded areas are another feature of the marsh: salt pannes.  These low spots in the marsh hold salt water as the tide falls.  The water evaporates, concentrating salt in the pannes.  Only specialized saltt-tolerant plants like glassworts and sea-blite can grow here.  The pannes support populations of small invertebrate animals which make these ponds important feeding areas for waterfowl and shorebirds.

[ 9 ] Meanderings

Tidal creeks twist and turn as they wander through a salt marsh.  At any wide turn, or meander, tidal currents erode the outside bank as they build up the inside bank.  As the outside bank erodes the soil slumps into the creekbed.  The creek will slowly carry the soil away, spreading it through the marsh.

[ 10 ] The Tidal Flux

Marshes are flooded and drained twice a day by meandering tidal creeks.  The tides bring sea water into the marsh, mix in fresh water from the upland, and carry organic nutrients from decaying marsh grasses back into the bay.  This continuous exchange of water and nutrients among the upland, marsh and ocean keeps the marsh thriving and helps support a complex marine food web. 

Salt marshes exist in dynamic equilibrium with sea level.  As sea level gently increases, salt marshes can keep pace through plant growth, peat formation, and sediment deposition.  

[ 11 ] Hemlock Hollow

The coastal upland along this part of Maine's shore is evergreen.  White pines and hemlocks dominate, with oaks and maples intermingled and a ground cover of ferns.  Though out of sight of the marsh, this woodland is directly linked to it.  Ground water carries nutrients from the forest's decaying leaves and needles out to the marsh.  Many species of mammals and birds rely on both the marsh and the upland for food, cover, and breeding habitat.  

The 2005 Landslide